A Heck of a Time

If you are at all like me you are beginning to wonder what the heck tomorrow will bring. An awful lot depends, unfortunately, on politics if you’re an American. We have two competitors for the presidency, one of which is irascible and loud while the other has not bona fides for the presidency or even raising chickens; which one could apply to both. My preference is the one who has already been president but I say this with a caveat. The caveat is that neither matters as to the way the world is heading. Politics is just something we have to live with until. Until Christ is seated as king both of Heaven and Earth as is promised. To this I believe we are coming quite close and I say this only as I gauge what is taking place in the Middle East. I could be wrong but I think I am not.

You see, the pendulum is swinging and this is a pendulum, not on a clock as we know it, but a pendulum as swung by God. He has always been in control and He is slow to anger and we, will, we aren’t doing such a good job of governing ourselves. Our governance has fallen from stable to anyone’s guess as to what is next. When it comes down to the lesser of two evils you need to go with the lesser and this is not how our government has ever been in my lifetime.

It used to be that one with an R or one with a D would be about the same but for a few quirks in their belief systems. Then the Progressives took over the D group and they are the ones who have been tearing down this nation and then bearing false witness on the other party. It is the breaking of God’s law that I look to and the Progressives not only break God’s law but are going after people of Faith. It is we of Faith who will be pursued soon. This is promised so we need to be completely aware of this as we proceed. I have come close to death twice, once in combat and once from terrible habits. Personally, I am not overly concerned about it as I am close enough to the end of life now that it is only a matter of time. I have decided to write this website while time, and health, are still mine. I wish you peace and that you will find the faith that I have learned to treasure. A faith in God, rather than mankind, will never let you down.


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Taking My Advice? It’s Time Jesus
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