When we think of God we should think in terms of love and creation.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son to die for our sins.
What we should not try to do is apply our own human nature to God. He made us in His and Jesus’ image but that doesn’t mean that either of them, in reality, look or think one iota as we do. There is no equivalence between our mind and theirs. Nothing we are is any part of them. They exist outside humanity so for some to wonder why God does one thing, or another, is not within our purview. Best to go to the Bible to find His reasons as He states what He wants of us and what He does not want of us
In truth, the laying of our eyes on God’s countenance would kill us instantly. Yet, Genesis states that Jehovah, God walked and spoke with Adam in the “breezy part of the day”* in Eden. God can do that which God wants: end of story and we are not smart enough to do anything but learn and do what the Bible tells us as the Bible is God’s word, given us to guide us through our lives in grace instead of sin. Hint-there is an answer to God’s ability to walk with Adam right there in Genesis but you will have to look it up for yourself.
And, when you check Genesis, read from the beginning until you find He and Adam in the garden walking. It will take you briefly away from this world and, possibly, into the notice of God. Don’t worry, He knows you’re not perfect or He would not have sacrificed His son for us. It is a monumental love He has for us but so many have no idea. More’s the pity.
*Breezy part of the day = afternoon.
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