When It Comes to God

Over the last few days or writing for this website I have gone through an epiphany while seeking clarity of purpose. I am not anything other than an average old man with the exception that I have not gone along with this world as it changed. A change that rejects God, the Bible, and our savior, Jesus. Quite the opposite, actually. It is prophecy and the angst of at one time having fallen hook, line and sinker for what this world has to offer; death and degradation of the mind. From Vietnam to drinking inordinate amounts of booze to thoughts that now revile me.

In other words, there is absolutely nothing about me that warrants the change of mind and attitude which has occurred as I have prepared to write this website. My foibles are huge. My attitude has been one of ME while others have fallen by the way. It is not so now and I owe this to prayer and, no, I am not a different person I just now have the knowledge of what before has caused me to fall. I would say it is interesting in one way and danged serious in another. Painful to look back at what I once was.

I have injuries of the back from Vietnam that I once deadened with drink even though that stopped working after a while. I have replaced alcohol with prayer and, though I am still not what, or where, I want to be, it has made a difference in my perception of our world and my place in it. The “place” being no part of this world or, at least, as much as I can muster to be detached from where I once was.

For me and, I think, you prayers with sincerity as their foundation is what can bring you out from this world where, really, we have no place left in now. If we love God and Jesus it behooves us to make changes in this time of history. The world is not what it was even fifty years ago, it is much worse and this is what prophecy was written for instead of just some long dead men practicing their hobby of writing. They were Godly men who had a link to the Creator to write that which is necessary for the faithful to be aware of in just these times. A gift of a magnitude we cannot fathom. A gift of eternal life, as promised to the faithful. A promise fulfilled by the Bible, God’s word.

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