The World

I suppose we should begin speaking of this world of ours. To do this we first must understand that there is a separation of the term, “World,” from, “Earth.” The two are interchanged quite often but the Bible does not allow for that interchange as it separates the creation of God from the nations of mankind. One is not the other and only one is by the hands of God. If this is understood then what the Bible tells us instantly makes more sense to a new reader of that book. If you are an old hand with the Bible then you know the difference already but for many this is a confusing point.

Our world consists of some good, unbalanced by much evil. It is necessary to understand who the god of the world is and that is Satan. You do not have a Bible that can be understood if you don’t know the reality of the players. Originally, God created the angels to assist in the business of Heaven. Satan and some of the other angels rebelled and wanted to be worshiped also. (More on this later) There is so much to all of this that I hesitated to write this down but God’s creative abilities are where all that we know or see comes from. Within this lies perfection and perfection is a thing we cannot fully understand outside of our definition of the word. Science and mathematicians seems to get lost in their formulae trying to pinpoint perfection so they end up calling it chaos.

Our world is sinking and this floundering was exacerbated by atomic weaponry. We have invented ourselves into a corner from which we cannot extricate ourselves. This then, is the sum total of our “world.” the world of mankind and it is not what God intended. God is angered, not by our inventiveness per se, but by our thinking we are great for having used what He created in the first place to make something different than what He intended and call it our own. (Our “Golden Calf”) We are much smaller of mind than He. To God, we are His children whom He dearly loves. In this love He gave us His word to guide all of us, not just a few. If you can consider yourself merely a child with responsibilities to one another for safety and consideration then you begin to get the idea.

Our world is a mess because we have become unruly children with head strong notions about our greatness. In doing this we have inadvertently started to think we don’t need God or, worse, that He does not exist. This is a mistake of historic proportions and we will all pay, are now beginning to pay, for this doubt, to put it mildly. If you think this world can go on much longer with us in charge, think again. The stage is set and God’s Son, His only begotten Son, Jesus, is in the wings.

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