
The world is not now a nice place in whole. To have the Bible tell us that it is now Satan’s playground seems to point to what we are seeing everywhere now if we are able to see through the guise of self. If we dismiss our selves to peer deeply into the actions of nations now we can see the work being done by he who opposes God and, thereby, wants to destroy us. We are God’s children and God loves us. For those who do not know this, and those people are now legion, we are naught but prey for the devil and to worship another human or our own “qualities” is to succumb to the devil.

Life is not easy but it will be soon as all of this is declared in black and white which is why the Bible is so castigated. Your true enemy is yourself, your self-aggrandizement, your pride if it places you above others. Whereas, humility in front of God says that you understand your frailties and want to do the best with what you have been given to work with.

We are not equal in mind or physical strength or athleticism. However, in God’s eyes we are the same and what separates one from the other is our faith. Our faith in Him and not nations or politics. Nations we have as this is the way of the world but the world itself is now under the influence of Satan and we should be able to understand this just with our eyes and ears. To do this we need to wake up and smell the coffee. Look around you. What do you see? Do you see love and respect for one another? Do you see that there is something critically wrong in even how we see one another? Do we see that even the slightest perversion is now celebrated? Where does this come from and why is it here now when before it was not?

As you answer these questions your mind will either open or shut off to these. There is work going on behind the scenes and that work is killing us, our society, and this world of mankind and, in turn, the nations. War is seemingly inevitable and it is only a matter of time. It is this war that will bring the Son of God to us. It is in the offing but just out of sight to those who do not understand this time we are in.

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When It Comes to God
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