Our Negative Times

We speak a lot, nowadays, about mental health. With so much negativity around the world, not just here in America, it is a wonder that yet another war has not broken out. How close we are to war is anyone’s guess but it does seem to be just a matter of when. What I am driving at is the force behind negativity and that is a force that has always been here but gets worse with each day. It’s first real sign was World War One and that began in 1914 with America becoming involved in 1917. Then World War Two then Korea then Vietnam . . . need I go on? All of these wars happened in less than one hundred years and this is a first on our planet. One might consider that something changed and the Bible tells us something did change.

What changed was destined to occur but we knew little to nothing about it as it didn’t happen here. It happened in Heaven when Satan, and those who followed him against God, were removed from Heaven and put in the vicinity of Earth. The Bible tells us that his removal from Heaven was part of the sign that the Christ would return. This was the first sign but Jesus told us, in Matthew, what to expect when He was asked how we would know the signs of the end of this world. “There will be war and rumors of wars.” “We will have a generation concerned only with themselves, a Godless generation.”

I won’t take you into Revelations as that book is quite symbolic but the King of the North is engaged now with the King of the South in war. Ukraine, Russia. All signs are coming to fruition or have already come to be. This, in part, is why I began this website and I am considering placing Scriptural quotes on another of my websites of the same name: Thec. I will let you know what I decide here soon. But . . .

. . . one must understand that the Bible was written to be understood only through dedication and study while a cursory inspection of it will help with daily problems of life if one is open to it. Such expressions as, the King of the North, was written so that all ages of mankind could understand at least the thrust of its writings at any time of humanity. Our times are thusly pointed out as the culmination of the Bible as the Bible is considered to be two scrolls. The third scroll is yet to be written and it is to that point that we are heading right now. Not tomorrow but now. We are over one hundred years into the final days and the board has been set longer than any of us now have been alive. It is still a good time to begin understanding what is happening now so that you can prepare yourself for what is coming next. Prayer is the best way to ready oneself, to open oneself to God through His Son, Jesus.

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