Speaking of God

On a personal level I began this website not knowing, but hoping, given the state of this world, that many are wondering about the only truth that matters and the fact that truth is getting more difficult to find. We live in and depend on nations. Each nation has a government but governments are made up of people and people are frail as to their perception of truth. The problem with this is that of truth itself. My truth, it is now said, is only my truth and another’s truth is their truth. Nothing could be further from the truth if you pardon my usage or the word, truth.

I wrote here that a perusal of nature and the night sky tells of a different truth. A truth that is universal and that dictates the stability of our planet. This is a truth that science is only now beginning to understand but that universal truth tells us that there is control from beginning to end that we are a part of and this in an individual sense. It is this truth, this universal and individual sense that ought to make us realize just how small we are and, in turn, how important we are to God. When we look up at the night sky we are gazing at the wonder of creation and not some nondescript “Big Bang.” The “Big Bang” is the equivalent of “throwing your hat at a problem.” What we see in the night sky is visible for a reason. That reason is our sense of wonder. A deer or chipmunk does not “wonder” at the beauty of its surroundings. It has a preordained task to perform and this is called instinct and is the purpose of their lives.

On the other hand, we don’t see a group of deer looking up and speculating on the night sky. They pay it no attention even if that sky rains down upon them. Only we built observatories and did so on mountains to get a more clear visual on the wonder of the universe. The animals, last I was aware of, have not done any of this.

For God so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son to come here and die for us so that sin could be forgiven. That was the original sin of our parents whom the Bible calls Adam and Eve. It is from that point that we have what we now have. A world run purely by mankind and this is not what God had planned but it us what He us about to fix and, thus, we have now what we have now. A world of mankind spinning out of our control. A run away train, so to speak. And all of this has been foretold to the letter of what we now are seeing and, yes, this is a first as this has not, nor will it happen, again. This is the truth that so many want to deny and that denial is also foretold. For the world will go on as it always has and then the end shall come. Jesus stated, “I come as a thief in the night,” and His coming is what all of this is about.

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