
Something that all of us are looking for in these times is hope. The saying, “hope springs eternal,” gives us where to look for hope as hope on this planet is fleeting. It comes and it goes in quick succession for us all. One day we’re hopeful, the next those hopes are dashed. This comes with friends, family, and even for elections. How many times have we hoped a thing will not happen yet it does and brings with it misery and sadness for a long while. You and I are quite familiar with this sharp edge of hope. It cuts like a knife when denied us.

These are the reasons that we look for hope beyond our lives and that hope rests in God. Hope is the whole of the reason He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for us. God asks us to look to Him for hope, not mankind. In this is the crux of faith for without faith there is no hope. The two are eternally meshed and there is not hope without God.

In one way, this is easy to say. In many other ways we face roadblocks of our own or by listening to others. Others who have no faith and therefore, no hope, seem to cause terrible problems for us and this world we live in. Those who try to fly without faith always crash. They have, throughout history, taken others, even civilizations, with them.

We do not come to God without going through Christ. Christ came and died one of the most horrible deaths just for you and I. He erased the sin of our original parents against God in the Garden with His death. There were, as far as we understand the Bible, only Adam and Eve at that time. The Bible makes no mention of children until later when Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden.

As the singer once sang, “Teach your children well.” It is in God and Christ that hope springs eternal. It is not now, nor has it ever been, in mankind.

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It’s Time The World Jesus
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