
There’s more to know about me than some might care to know but this website is about you. I am merely one who still breathes. I give thanks for each day that I wake up and find myself taking air. There is no good reason I should be taking air as I once did just about all I could to stop breathing. That is a story for another place and another time as it has no business here. I write and that is enough.

How I Got Here

To say that I am a Christian is going to have to be what you know about me and the road to being a Christian was not always easy. I left the church I was born and raised in at age fifteen which created a furor in my family. I refused to go to worship God in what I call a “real estate mogul’s” office. This was after I started reading the Bible and as I began to realize that this church was not what it claimed to be. How could it be descended from Jesus having done all the rotten things it had done in the past? It was Jesus who told the prince that if the prince wanted to follow Him the prince needed to give all he owned to the poor and then follow Jesus. As to property, Jesus owned nothing except the garments on His back and those were made, I believe, by His followers. This church gave up nothing in riches to follow Jesus. This would be carried by me for decades and eventually brought me to this juncture.

At that time, little was making sense to me as we were once again about to be at war, Kennedy had been assassinated, and I, with my family, was moving to a new town, giving up all I had known, and that included old friends. It was reading the Bible that allowed me to roll with all of this change as I found that things such as this carry little weight in one’s life. Belief in God carried everything and God’s only begotten Son was part of the package.

I begin this website to carry it as far as life will allow me. Being an old man now I am no longer at home in this, “Brave New World.” I worship only God in Heaven and His Son. I have been to war twice and worked my entire life in the trades when I owned my own business. Before that, and while in high school, I worked summers as a fireman. Yep, age sixteen I got a job with the country fire department and loved it. It was the following summer that I got my draft notice and then I joined the Navy. I have not looked back overmuch. I have carried on with my Bible study and that probably saved my derriere from having done worse things that cropped up now and again. Still, there were times when I fell out of belief and that is when I screwed up horribly. Faith, when you’re young, sometimes takes a back seat which is why I reject those things I once did. I have not done them again and I know that God forgives if you or I have made the changes needed.

I write this not as a “know-it-all” but as one who is as imperfect as human beings come, but, have gone through the wringer and come out clean on the other side. My mistakes are what drive me to do this and I expect nothing from above because I do. It is a thing I love to write about and if my doing so aids you in your search that is good enough. Never knowing if I help you is not a consideration on my part. If you read this and try it on for size in your life then I am happy to do this. I am probably further from perfect than those I write for but this is just my way of sharing the steadiness that God grants we who love Him and His Son. For me that is enough.

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