How to Pray

One might think that praying is an individual’s choice as to how to go about it. But, have you found that your prayers are not answered? Many have, so for what reason is a prayer not answered? I want to tell you what I have learned as I was once in that situation. Hint-God is a term much like a pronoun for the being that created everything. A being we owe our lives to. So, the question might be: Do you understand this? Do you know in your heart that you believe in God but perhaps you don’t believe in Jesus? There are myriad people who tell us that Jesus was naught but one in a long line of prophets or that He never existed at all but was made up by those who wrote the New Testament and it is the Old Testament that is the crux of the Bible. Do you doubt any of this? You should.

In times past the actual Holy Name of God was lost. I have read that a Jewish sect called the Essenes, 2nd Temple period, B.C., were the ones that hid the name. It was the name that God used which He told us to not use in vain. The reasons that the Essenes hid His proper name are contributed to that Commandment. So, what do we call Him if we want His attention. Hint, we don’t ask something of a person by beginning with, “Hey You!,” so we need to ascertain what to call Him to get His attention. After all, He is busy at all times.

The name that refers to God is, Jehovah. It was used for centuries but removed from the Bible by certain groups and was brought back by the “Witnesses” in their version of the Bible. I am not a Witness but have studied with them off and on for decades. I think they have a lot of things right, but not all.

Use His name as it is as close to His real name as we have knowledge of: “Heavenly Father, Jehovah,” is the way I start prayer and Jesus told us, “nothing comes to my Father but through me.” So, end your prayer with something like “through your Son, Jesus Christ I ask this of you. Amen.” Be sure to ask for “needs, “not “wants.”

This is how I pray and one of my prayers was to begin this website with His assistance if it is His will. “If it be your will,” should be included as He knows exactly what you and I need but sometimes our needs are not what we are asking for and a different thing takes place.

I thought long and hard before publishing this as there are some toes I do not want to step on. I do hope that this will help you who are frustrated or you who gave up in believing. There are always proper ways to do things for greatest effect and this is one of the major ones. Hope this allows you a communion with Jehovah, God.

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When We’re Down Is God Real? The Bible
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